The Basic Principles for Successful Results with Your Jump Manual
Effective vertical leap training is not just about performing the exercises; you also need to ensure that your habits and practices from an athletic point of view support the enhancement of your jump. Focus on Intensity Training excessively is one of the most common mistakes when doing the jump manual. It undoubtedly offers more endurance to your body, but it also hinders your explosive strength. Rather than doing hundreds of repetitions, it is more productive to stick to eight intense reps per set and stay in the lower range. When doing this jumping routine, bear in mind to prioritize quality over quantity. Dial Down the Weight Lifting weights is very helpful for increasing an athlete's jump, but there are many individuals who tend to overdo it. This is counterproductive because besides fatigue, you will also sustain injuries from joint overuse. Therefore, your overall performance will suffer and your jump will become lower. Pay Attention to Nutrition Nutriti...